Drew Barrymore - Lucy Liu - Cameron Diaz - Charlies Angels Strip Dance HD

Drew Barrymore - Lucy Liu - Cameron Diaz - Charlies Angels Strip Dance HD

Drew Barrymore Lucy Liu Cameron Diaz Full Throttle Strip HD
RT @DM_Cool: Watching Kill Bill just now made me realize Lucy Liu was my 1st asian crush

#SomethingICantDealWith people dissing on Elementary :c it's not put yet but... :(( Lucy Liu is gonna be in it give it a chance!!

I get so weak when Lucy Liu runs on the table and cut that man's head off! Now that's a bad bytch!

I appreciate that basic cable removed the word “fucking” from the scene with Lucy Liu holding up a severed head.

Craig is pimping out Lucy Liu as Watson, fuck yeah!

Watching Kill Bill just now made me realize Lucy Liu was my 1st asian crush

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