Russia's T-50 fighter still armless

Russia's T-50 fighter still armless

The head of Russia's Air Force, Alexander Zelin, revealed some details about the technical specification of the T-50 fifth-generation fighter jet. The jet was developed by Sukhoi design bureau. According to him, Russia's T-50 outstrips F-22 of the USA and J-20 of China in terms of a number of highly important technical characteristics, such as the maximum speed, the flight range, thrust-to-weight and some others. Grigory Drugoveiko, 1st class military pilot speaks: "One may speak about the superiority of some planes over others if those planes have already taken part in combat actions. It is unprofessional to say anything about it in advance, proceeding from declared technical performance." Zelin assured that the weight and the size of the T-50 was comparable to foreign analogues. However, the Russian jet has a much shorter run. The Russian plane also exceeds foreign rivals from the point of view of the onboard electronic equipment, the official said. Konstantin Sivkov, the first vice-president of the Academy of Geopolitical Sciences: "The T-50 is comparable to the Chinese jet only. It is not a combat plane anymore, so it can not be compared to the American aircraft in terms of flight performance. Mr. Zelin's remarks are nothing else but wishful thinking. This is an experimental plane." According to experts' estimates, the T-50 does not have any special weapons yet. Since there is neither the arms system nor the radar station on board the aircraft yet, any speculation ...
I got all I need and it's alright by me


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