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Chinese Backstreet Boys - That Way

Chinese Backstreet Boys - That Way

Chinese Backstreet Boys - That Way
Have lots of work to do but just too lazy to do it.....Chinese and geog

Aw Russian chinese guy had to leave just as the queue started to move. </3

RT @Realmadridplace: Chinese club, Shanghai Shenua have also offered Drogba to Real Madrid after not being able to pay his wages. [Marca]

I really believe that all the chinese resto's that weve been here in south of France is a JOKE !! Im really upset everytime ! Merde!

Morning spent cleansing body and mind at yoga. Lunch spent corrupting body with left over Chinese food #worthit!

Resisting the urge to open the slow cooker.The Chinese 5 spiced pork's got another 6 hours to go. #slowcooking

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