Young man push old lady down the bus (with subtitle)
The 76 years old lady press the bell at last minute agitated the young man. He told her not to to do it next time and was shouted back by her. This young man identified as Alex Ong says he has "clinical depression" and tell his side of the story at Facebook : www.facebook.com Whatever the reason, whatever it is Alex. This is no way to hurt a old lady. For this. You deserved a sticker from me : p.twimg.com

Nanni Moretti - La Stanza del Figlio (The Son's Room)
This is one of the key scenes in this movie. A premonitory and beautiful scene full of symbolism. One of my favorites. The lyrics of the song "Insieme a te non ci stò più," from Caterina Caselli: I cannot stay with you any longer I look at the clouds from above And when I leave You'll have to smile If you'll be able It will not be easy, but you know If you want to live you have to die a little Good bye, love, good bye The clouds are already vanishing... (I think the translation is terrible, but you get the point. ;-))

New!! ブリスショップ楽天市場店 施工 コーティング ブリスNEO
現在、2012年6月15日に一般市場新登場となった効果期間約12ヶ月間のブリスネオが楽天市場で販売しています。 www.rakuten.co.jp