元宝塚 91期 男役「東小雪」さんのレギュラー番組『こゆたんの水曜日(№01)』です。 東小雪さん(ひがし こゆき)さん→あうら真輝さんの情報 ■東小雪ホームページ「Happy Together」 www.happytogether-lgbt.com ■東小雪ブログ koyuki-higashi.tumblr.com ■東小雪twitter twitter.com ■東小雪facebook www.facebook.com ■【宝塚91期男役】あうら真輝情報 matome.naver.jp

Rockstar in the Countryside [A Jemi Story] Ep.6
i got like 8 coments hehe =D so here's the next one hope you guys like it... The next morning Demi: (slowly walks down into the kitchen) Mr.J: (looks up from his paper) well goodmorning Demi Demi: (jumps up from fright) morning Mr.Jonas Mr.J: it's Paul hunnie....what's wrong? Demi: nothing.... Mrs.J: (walks in) Demi's not in her ro....(see's Demi holding her stomach) Demi what's wrong hun? Demi: i have a little stomachach (lies) Mrs.J: oh hun (feels her head) you don't seem hot..go lie down upstairs i'll get you some boiled water Demi: (nods and goes upstairs) Kevin: (walks down) sup with her.... Mrs.J: she's not feeling too good Nick: what's for breakfast? Mrs.J: get your own son your old enough to make your breakfast (makes some boiled water then goes upstairs) how you feeling hun? Demi: ok just alittle tummy ach [and i've been sick...] Mrs.J: well drink up this should make you feel better Demi: thank you (drinks it) Mrs.J: if you need anything just shout down Demi: ok thank you.. Mrs.J: your welcome...(leaves) Demi: (puts her cup on the floor and lays back down) [what if they find out what happened last night..] (sighs) Joe: knock knock (walks in) Demi: (just stares at him) Joe: well goodmorning to you too Demi: ..... Joe: ok ok, I'm sorry for last night... Demi: ..... Joe: [she was soooo good] and ermmm....im sorry for taking advantage of you... Demi: the door's over there.. Joe: fine I'll leave (leaves) Demi: (smiles alittle) The previous night at 1am Demi: (in her ...

日テレ女子アナ3days!(11/15)[電波少年的放送局] 2002/07/26
2002年7月26日~28日CS放送「電波少年的放送局」 「日テレ女子アナ3days!」 <出演者> [01] 古市幸子、山本真純[02] 古市幸子、山本真純、山下美穂子、山王丸和恵[03] 山下美穂子、山王丸和恵、河本香織[04] 山王丸和恵、河本香織[05] 河本香織[06] 河本香織、柴田倫世、小野寺麻衣[07] 柴田倫世、小野寺麻衣[08] 柴田倫世、小野寺麻衣[09] 柴田倫世、小野寺麻衣、馬場典子、阿部哲子、角田久美子[10] 小野寺麻衣、阿部哲子、角田久美子[11] 阿部哲子、角田久美子[12] 阿部哲子、角田久美子、魚住りえ[13] 魚住りえ、西尾由佳理[14] 魚住りえ、西尾由佳理[15] 魚住りえ、西尾由佳理<その他の出演者> 日テレ男性アナウンサー(テレビ電話) T部長(スタジオ) 横尾茜専属アナウンサー(テレビ電話) その他ゲスト多数

Jibaku-Kun ( Bucky ) Complete Manga Set Unboxing
Unboxing do conjunto completo de mangás da série Jibaku-Kun, mais conhecido aqui no Brasil como "Bucky". Conjunto completo de 6 volumes, de muito boa qualidade por sinal. Consegui compra-los no Ebay por um preço razoavel, já que estão OOP (out of Print). Sem pagina faltando e sem orelhas. Mais uma boa aquisição para a coleção. Unboxing of Complete set manga of Jibaku-Kun, also know in Brasil as Bucky. This is the complete set, that have 6 volumes, very good quality. I bought it in Ebay, with a good price (a little expensive because is OOP but Ok for me). Another great stuff for my collection. I recommend. Manga: Jibaku Kun ( Bucky ) author: Ami Shibata japanese name: 柴田亜美 ジバクくん 全6巻セット Release Date : 1998 Pages : Arround 168 pages each

POLYMER-TheHa-Ri-KenFighter 破裏拳ポリマーOP/ED PS タツノコファイトクレジット無し1974/10/4~1975/3/28 毎週金曜日18時~18時30分全26話 NET系(現・テレビ朝日)放送原作/吉田竜夫、タツノコプロ企画室総監督/鳥海永行