'UFO' Caught On Camera in Dos Palos, CA - Strange Metal Object - Aug. 21

'UFO' Caught On Camera in Dos Palos, CA - Strange Metal Object - Aug. 21

sheilaaliens.net I like how, at the end, she starts talking about the Phoenix Lights, she said they happen at least once a year - she aint lying. They happen a lot, actually. I saw them on webcam, yep!! three nights in a row, here's the video: www.youtube.com And to me, the one in Dos Palos looks like something funky someone set off into the air. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Something strange was spotted in the sky over Dos Palos, and it was captured on camera. The unidentified flying object was spotted by several flying in the valley about a month ago, around July 2012. Cruz Nava says, "I saw it in the sky and we were trying to figure out what it was. All I know is that it looked strange." www.kmph-kfre.com

I was a non-believer of U.F.O's until I seen one last summer O_O

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RT @TheBethcoupes: 【ライブ情報】■10/14(日)Little Boy Blue×ザ ディディディディーズ共同企画@東高円寺U.F.O.CLUB ■10/21(日)@東高円寺U.F.O.CLUB ■11/3(土)ハンバーグ企画@下北沢THREE ◎今か ...

【ライブ情報】■10/14(日)Little Boy Blue×ザ ディディディディーズ共同企画@東高円寺U.F.O.CLUB ■10/21(日)@東高円寺U.F.O.CLUB ■11/3(土)ハンバーグ企画@下北沢THREE ◎今から走り込みと筋トレして臨む!!!

RT @TheBethcoupes: 【ライブ情報】■10/14(日)Little Boy Blue×ザ ディディディディーズ共同企画@東高円寺U.F.O.CLUB ■10/21(日)@東高円寺U.F.O.CLUB ■11/3(土)ハンバーグ企画@下北沢THREE ◎今か ...

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