Baby's Best Friend, his Rottweiler

Baby's Best Friend, his Rottweiler

Our Rottweiler, Esther, loves to play with our youngest son, Silas, who is 15 months old. She couldn't be gentler with him. He can take anything out of her mouth or climb all over this dog.
#DYK The Rottweiler is a large dog with the males measuring 24-27 inches, in height, and weighing in at 95-130 pounds(..)

#DYK #RottWeiler (..) a medium length muscular neck they have a double layered coat with the outer layer being dense course and flat

Mi perro (que es casi un chiguagua o como se escriba) corrio a una rottweiler jajaja es el capo de la cuadraa !

@xoidiotmarth it's like a lab with rottweiler ears husky eyes I'm a bouncy ball of happiness

Amo a mi Rottweiler ♥ (:

@xoidiotmarth ya I bought him ❤❤ a beautiful husky rottweiler lab mix** no he's a beb

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