柿原徹也WR 2010 - Tetsuya Kakihara - Funny Game + Talk (Part 2 of 3) Cute Scene of Kakki!

柿原徹也WR 2010 - Tetsuya Kakihara - Funny Game + Talk (Part 2 of 3) Cute Scene of Kakki!

Enjoy!!~ Guest: Tetsuya Kakihara - Part 2 section- Game with Kakki ~ ps. jump to 8:10 (minutes) for a super kawaii scene of Kakki! He plays a game where he needs to make a 'kissing' scene in front of camera lol + watch the 'Drawing' part first at beginning, it's funny cuz Kakki is imitating by humming song. xDD *PART 1 (Intro, Interview with Kakki, funny too) is here: www.youtube.com ***PART 3 (game part 2, talk, funny at the end too) is here: www.youtube.com It's a really hilarious tv show (talk + games)- because the two host talks so funny (you'll hear lots of laughs throughout- sometimes no reason at all lol), + also they play a game with Kakihara, it is super funny~~~!! i got a lot of laughs from it too. **Here's some parts i TRANSLATED in English: at 0:35 - In the beginning segment where they write out their 'New Year Resolution' The Guy and Girl suddenly humming song~~ ...then Kakki imiates them as well lol. so funny~~~ at 1:04 - time to present what they wrote! Kakki: "In the year of Tiger, it is important to have a lot of encounter~~" (maybe implying he wants to be able to cast in more roles (in voice acting etc)?) ---- GAME starts at 6:02 ------ INSTRUCTIONS: Basically the rules of the game played in this Tv show is; **Annoucer says a clue, players have to pick out the 'card' that corresponds to the 'clue; **if successfully picks up card, player gets 1 point **a card can have several effects- it is either an 'Award', 'Punishment' or 'Safe' card. 'Award' card ...
【定期】鈴村健一/寺島拓篤/下野紘/梶裕貴/柿原徹也/ 岸尾だいすけ/緑川光/遊佐浩二/岡本信彦/近藤隆/ 被ってる方気軽にフォローしちゃってください!相互はリプお願いします!!


【定期】好きな声優:吉野裕行/神谷浩史/中村悠一/鈴木達央/緑川光/岡本信彦/柿原徹也/日高里菜/広橋涼/花澤香菜/石原夏織    フォローよろしく((ゝ∇・**))ゞ

【定期】声優の柿原徹也さんとかんざきひろ先生を愛してやまない馬鹿です。可愛いは正義!!ジャンルの幅は広めです☆柿原徹也/かんざきひろ/声優/歌い手/声真似主/Aqua Timez/成宮寛貴/菅田将暉/本郷奏多/パンサー向井/マリノス中澤佑二/俺妹/アイマス/フォローご自由に☆

【定期】森久保祥太郎/高橋広樹/細谷佳正/遊佐浩二/吉野裕行/福山潤/宮野真守/柿原徹也/寺島拓篤/鈴木千尋/諏訪部順一/梶裕貴/鈴木達央/小野大輔/神谷浩史/三木眞一郎/皆川純子/甲斐田ゆき/松本梨香/竹内順子/朴璐美 #好きなの被ったらRT 【声優編】

【定期】〔参戦済〕1/8ときめきレシピ 2/25柿原徹也アルバム発売記念握手会 3/18キラ☆フェス 5/6FT公録 5/12戦パライベ  7/22 ファミ通キャラクターズDX(昼) 〔参戦予定〕 8/18FT舞台挨拶 9/2浪川&柿原ジョイントライブ(横浜BLITZ・昼)

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Uma Thurman

