Aircraft - YAK-9 (Russian) Fighter Runway Taxi

Aircraft - YAK-9 (Russian) Fighter Runway Taxi

While visiting family in the western part of Indiana, I noticed a WW2 era Russian YAK-9 fighter aircraft fly overhead. I then drove to the nearest airport to see if it had perhaps landed there; it had! Here's a short video of the taxi onto the runway for take-off. NOTE: Although the propeller appears to stop and reverse direction, it's a video illusion due to the rotational speed of the prop versus the frame rate of the video camera. My next video will be a short clip of the YAK-9 take-off. The pilot's next stop will be Nashville, TN before returning home to Georgia. — Indiana Traveller Aircraft - YAK-9 (Russian) For the most part, American aerospace testing was done on American aircraft. However, beginning with WWI, whenever the United States obtained examples of foreign aircraft - either from friendly countries through cooperative arrangements or from enemies via capture or defection- they were likely to wind up at McCook Field or Wright Field for a thorough evaluation which included flight testing if possible. "During WWII evaluations at Wright Field included allied aircraft like the Russian Yak-9 and the British Spitfire and Mosquito, and enemy aircraft including the German JU-88, ME-109, FW-190, ME-262, and the Japanese Zero. The end of the war brought large numbers of captured aircraft for evaluation. As with other test flight activities, much of the foreign aircraft evaluation moved to Muroc Air Base (later Edwards AFB) after the war, but even then the occasional ...
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