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#福島原発 水素爆発実証実験,ガンダーセン Hydrogen buildup at Fukushima

#福島原発 水素爆発実証実験,ガンダーセン Hydrogen buildup at Fukushima

福島原発:水素爆発実証実験 ガンダーセン11/16(日本語要約字幕:Jo2Rayden junebloke.blog.fc2.com ) Hydrogen buildup at Fukushima. What does it mean? Why does it happen? www.fairewinds.com TEPCO recently discovered hydrogen buildups within the containment buildings in Fukushima Units 1, 2 and 3. Could there be another explosion, and if so how? Fairewinds conducts a laboratory experiment to show that if oxygen is present with hydrogen in a nuclear power containment, a deflagration explosion might occur. Hi, I'm Arnie Gundersen from Fairewinds. A little change of venue today. There have been some reports in the press about a hydrogen buildup inside the containment at Fukushima and along with that hydrogen gas, there is a discussion that there are some radioactive isotopes that are in the containment that could only be caused by a fission. Well I thought I would simulate today what a hydrogen buildup inside a containment looks like. Now we are going to use this bottle as a containment. And I am going to generate hydrogen gas in this little flask. Those nails are coated with zinc and I will add some acid to the zinc, and we will create hydrogen gas out this hose. Put the hose in the bottom of the bottle, and hydrogen being lighter than air, is going to push all of the gas out of this bottle and we will be left with a bottle full of hydrogen. All right, let us see what happens. This is something you should not try at home. I am wearing gloves and we have got a fire extinguisher in ...

(NMR)核磁気共鳴法(1H-NMR)において、測定溶液中に重水を添加することによって、OHや NH などの活性水素のシグナルを消失または移動させることができる。(82-40) #niubun

@haruo0213 おやあみどり! #無理矢理 あ、はるおちゃんの鬼水素敵でしたもぐもぐ!!!



アセチレンは( )反応を起こしやすく、触媒を用いて水素を付加させると段階的に( )、( )になる

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