Jack Nicholson's Top 10 Acting Performance

Jack Nicholson's Top 10 Acting Performance

VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE: mewlists.com FULL LIST HERE: Jack Nicholson's Top 10 Acting Performances in Film Ranked according to the actor's delivery and portrayal of his role in feature films. 1. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 2. The Shining 3.About Schmidt 4. Chinatown 5. As Good As It Gets 6. The Last Detail 7. The Pledge 8. A Few Good Men 9. Five Easy Pieces 10. Easy Rider
Heath Ledger as the Joker. He and Jack Nicholson was the best villains ever on Batman.

@whoolove @bigben_1986 @distinguishthis @heatherlump Jack Nicholson. Regardless of that, if I think Heath Ledger as Villain X in TDK then it

"Vol au dessus d'un nid de coucou" ou comment retomber amoureuse de Jack Nicholson.

Why was Jack Nicholson pissed with twitter? Because he couldn't 'handle' the truth. #MokkaMondays

Fucking love Jack Nicholson

@FilmFan1971 @alibelle Definitely! Plus I worked through anything Clint Eastwood and jack Nicholson too! Some classics!

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