青春の輝き ~playsカーペンターズ
当初"OFFERING"というアルバム名でデビューしたが、後に"Ticket to ride"とアルバム名を変更した伝説のアルバムだ。アルバム名ともなっている゛Ticket to ride"は彼らが最も影響を受けた3B(ビーチ・ボーイズ、ビートルズ、バート・バカラック)の一つビートルズの作品のカバーだが、後にベストアルバムなどに収録されているのはカーペンターズとしての地位を確立してから再録音されたものだろう。また、カーペンターズの活動後期には残念ながら影をひそめてしまう事になる偉大な天才ドラマーとしてのカレンの実力も知ることができる。このアルバムのほとんどすべての曲でカレン自身がドラムスを担当している。このアルバムに収録されている曲を聴くと、カレンのあの宝石の歌声の原石を聴くことができる。まだ荒削りだが、カーペンターズのとんでもない才能を垣間見ることができる貴重なアルバムだ。リチャードの見事なアレンジ、カレンのしなやかなドラム・スティックさばきと珠玉の歌声、まさにジャズに原点を発する「カーペンターズ」という新たなジャンルの誕生に立ち会うことができる唯一無二のアルバムだろう。
Truly a product of its time! "Ticket to Ride" was initially released under the title, "Offering". Shortly after the success of "Close to You", they changed the cover to the latter. Richard says that he cringes everytime he looks at the "Offering" cover! It features a 19 year-old Karen holding a bouquet of sunflowers and 22 year-old Richard looking serious (unlike the "Horizon" cover where they look cool despite being somber)- reminiscent of the flower-power movement with a hint of morbidity!
The original "Offering" cover (LP/Reel to reel/Cassette) became valuable sought-after collectibles and Polygram released the CD version exclusively for the duo's 30th Anniversary Collector's Box Set (and later Universal Music for the 35th Anniversary Collector's Box Set). Loose or copies being bought individually other than of the sets (1999) only featured the "Ticket To Ride" cover.
Kudos to Universal music for offering BOTH covers for this edition (1 CD with two jackets)! All replicated faithfully from the material/paper used to the original design of the obi! Carpenters fans who couldn't afford the 1st and 2nd time around on CD can get the opportunity to own a piece of Carpenters history without paying an arm and a leg for it (but do so as soon as you can as this edition is going like hot cakes and Universal is already planning for a second edition re-issue to be released on 2 Dec 2009. My hope is that they don't decide to cancel releasing it at the last minute).
Music-wise, Karen's first outing on a full studio album was already sending chills through her voice! Again, one could hear that this, maybe a first outing, was carefully crafted with a lot of attention to the arrangement and choice of songs. I like this album and i like their version of "Ticket to Ride". 40 years later, I still think Richard's arrangement on this song is incredible (and also to other gems like "I Believe You", "Kiss Me The Way You Did Last Night", "I CAn't Make Music" etc).
A true "Offering"!
STEEL BALL RUN スティール・ボール・ラン 18 (ジャンプコミックス)