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Sukhoi Su-30 MKI - waltz in the sky

Sukhoi Su-30 MKI - waltz in the sky

Su-30MKI www.sukhoi.org is a long-range, high-endurance, heavy-class Air Dominance Fighter with multi mission capabilities. It is currently the most advanced version of Su-27 Flanker flying anywhere in the world. The Su-27, which was first produced in the Former Soviet Union starting 1982 is counted among the world's best fighter aircraft even without any upgardes; but some of the the technology and capability that the Su-30MKI boasts has absolutely no parallels across the world's air forces. The Su-30MKI gives its operator, the Indian Air Force, a capability that will remain unmatched by all rivals for the forseeable future. ######### World aviation today cannot be conceived of without the Su-27, a legendary aircraft. The Su-27 which formed the basic platform that has spawned countless derivatives has became the core of Russia's combat aviation and Russian arms exports today. The Su-27 is seen as a befitting response by Sukhoi to the challenge of the West - the US F-15 air superiority fighter. ######### 'Su' stands for a production fighter designed by the USSR/Russia's famed Sukhoi Experimental Designed Bureau. Su-30 derived from the Su-27UB, which is the twin-seat trainer-combat version of the Su-27. Therefore all Su-30 versions are twin seat (except for Su-30KI). 'MK' is a Russian acronym for Mordernised-Commercial (not 'Multirole') while 'I' stands for Indiski(India) in the Su-30MKI, while 'K' stands for Kitei(China) in the Su-30MKK. Names apart, there are many ...
@paynesjuliet sì, ci sono tre maschi. su ventinove alunni. e il record è 7 maschi su 30 lol

RT @albertittosaez: no no ni segundo ni tercero , porlomenos su 30 opcion .

それはSu-30Mの基本輸出仕様のSu-30MKだねRT @regaho_tenngoku: Su-30なんてものもRT @09201996: カナード装備で推力偏向ノズル付きならSu-37が・・・RT @regaho_tenngoku: Su-33には推力偏向ノズルが(キリ)

no no ni segundo ni tercero , porlomenos su 30 opcion .

viendo un vídeo de una de las noches en las que metallica festejó su 30 años de carrera.

Por eso cada dia me alejo de las menores, un hombre con 300 libras dique dejandose controlar, Menores solo las que jocean su 30 de showfan

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