Dark Funeral - My Funeral (Uncut Version) HD
"My Funeral" was the first song that was made available for public ear, and eye of the bands highly acclaimed album "Angelus Exuro pro Eternus" (@2009). My Funeral is one of the three (out of nine) heavier; non-blast beat songs that were recorded for the new and long awaited full-length album. Dark Funeral, who is well-known for their infernal blast beats have with "Angelus Exuro pro Eternus" recorded their most varied and technical album to date. While still being true to their roots, they have taken a great step forward in the evolution of their brand of fine Swedish black metal. ANGELUS EXURO PRO ETERNUS is, from the very beginning to the end, a hell ride you simply don't want to miss! Produced by Standard Film, Umeå, Sweden More info at: www.darkfuneral.se www.facebook.com/darkfuneral www.myspace.com/darkfuneral www.youtube.com/darkfuneral

新撰組異聞 PEACE MAKER動画コメント水谷百輔&佐野岳&黒藤結軌
「新撰組異聞PEACE MAKER」再炎! 昨年好評だったあの舞台が、パワーアップして帰ってきます。 劇場はヒーローショーが多数行われていることで有名な「シアターGロッソ」!! 【原作】 黒乃奈々絵 【脚本】 菅野臣太朗 【脚色・演出】 伊勢直弘(bpm) 【公演日】 2011年4月15日~22日【劇場】 シアターGロッソ(東京ドームシティー内) HP knocturn.com BLOG ameblo.jp