R. Kelly - Radio Message
Music video by R. Kelly performing Radio Message. (C) 2011 JIVE Records, a unit of Sony Music Entertainment

中国人の隠蔽工作その① China is deceiving all the world.
Mr.Aoyama of TV reveals the truth of Uigur issue NO1. This movie is annnounced in Japanese.I summarized his message as follows. 1. This time,China is willing to accept overseas media. (China realized that to escape from overseas media gain nothing when they looked on Tibet issue.) 2. The reason (why it is 1) is because China found another nice way to avoid the attacks from overseas media. 3. The way is to make the movie for iteslf and release it which enables China to justfy their policy. China is trying to control overseas media so that they gain successful results. 4. This movie shows Uigur people is destorying cars and injuring Han Chinese - Note it is China making movie. It is very dangerous for Japanese to think this movie is correct. 5. China always uses the way to convert the peaceful demonstration to the riots' show. 6. Mr. Aoyama succeeded to contact an Uigur person Mr.X who saw what was happening now in Uigur. The person says In July 5, about 3000 Uigur people demonstrated,but instantly China police suppress them.(The police included secret troops.) 7. Mr.X heard the police fired to the people without warning. China released about 140 persons are killed,but he says in real 400 persons are the victims.(2000 perons are injured.) China is now slaughtering Uigur people ! Let's make many people know it in the world 中国人の野蛮な実態を世界に広めよう!

2009年9月18日(金)、駐車場を出るとき、待ち時間に記念撮影。 地味な動画です。 アリーナ座席表メモ→whitediamante.blog25.fc2.com

サッカー欧州選手権が開催されているポーランド・ワルシャワ(Warsaw)で12日、地元ポーランドとロシアの試合を前に両チームのファン同士が衝突した。警察は催涙ガスや放水銃を使用。約60人を拘束したと発表した。また7人が軽傷で治療を受けたという。(c)AFP 2012年6月13日

Note to viewers: I noticed that a lot of people watch this video, there are also a lot of negative comments from Japanese viewers. This video gets a lot of views despite is it really old [Created several days from the release of the game], I'm going to leave it up as a joke... You see for every Japanese person that bothers to write a comment because the "Game Play" video doesn't show God Skills, it shows their inability to read the title and that they wasted 10 minutes of their time. Granted they probably can't read the description, but that's the joke of leaving this video up... Hope people can find the same amusement from this video that I enjoy each time I receive a notification for it. :) If you're Japanese and can read this description, thanks for watching... Don't let me troll you. ---------- This is a video capture of Minna no Tennis Portable, it contains a bit of spoilers as to which characters are available but also shows how to obtain the SP costumes of the in game characters. You need to play Exhibition Mode on Hard, until you beat a みんテニ天使 Lv. CPU then you will unlock the みんテニ神 Lv. CPU which will also be wearing the SP costume. Beat them and receive their SP parts... I am not sure if you need to beat them without letting them score a game or not, but if you don't unlock or receive the parts... then you probably need to. Also Purple seems to be the colour in fashion this version of the portable series. Minteni Community - Visit: mingol.shihiko.net