Freemasons the most evil cult in the world*banned on TV*
Interview with Ex Illuminati member Svali. Download to your mp3 player or ipod for free. Link: www.fileserve.com The freemasons is a evil cult and their goal is to create a new world order. This is how the TV program should have been.

World of Tanks: AMX 105AM - Murovanka - Confederate, Ace Tanker - 1353 xp
June 23 2012, 22:05: Testing out French SPG's with HE-AT rounds, pt II Game: World of Tanks (0.7.4) Player: isutoshi Tank: AMX 105AM (Tier IV SPG) Map: Murovanka (north side) Combat Mode: Encounter Medals/achievements: Confederate, Ace Tanker Damage dealt: 2993 Hits/Shots: 19/25 (76%) Destroyed: 1 Damaged: 7 Spotted: - Capture Points: - Defense Points: 18 Experience: 1353 Credits: 42625 Still grinding the Frenchies with kamikaze1993[E-SDD]. Once again thrown into a tier 9 battle, the everlasting curse of tier 6 players (my platoon mate) -- but more durable targets for me to shoot at. ;) Their Jagdtiger really felt it, hehe. Pretty good damage output for a little puny French arty -- although, the HE-AT rounds are the only reason. Check out my first HE round hit doing 48 damage (wtf) contra the HE-AT's doing around 300 each. Really crappy framerate this game as well (15, what the hell?), I'm suspecting the XVM mod is the culprit...

Please Mr. Postman by 芦原すなお & The Shelter Skelter
芦原すなお & The Shelter Skelterが2008年3月22日に、日野駅前にある「Soul K」というところでライブを行いました。 これはそのとき14曲目に演奏したビートルズの「Please Mr. Postman」です。 ギター&リードヴォーカル:芦原すなおギター:池之上隆一ベース:鈴木佳行ドラム:佐藤和弘キーボード:米田富也